Sunday, August 20, 2006


Romans 12:2 - Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world...

I went to my first Soul Survivor a couple of weeks ago, and I've got to say, it was amazing. It's such a blessing to be in the middle of a crowd of 10,500 young people (I did feel a little old!) who are all worshipping, it's a blessing and a privilege to be amongst this! The worship was stunning and engaging, although did take a little to get into the swing of things, having been worshipping in small Methodist churches for the previous few weeks!

The ministry times were superbly handled, allowing for a freedom for people to worship and be ministered to, whilst dealing with manifestations of the Spirit in a way that would reduce the 'scary' factor for young people in particular who may not have experienced the huge variety of physical, emotional and vocal responses to the Spirit. People are strongly encouraged to pray for those around them, whilst supported by a large, trained prayer team. Anyway, enough of the praises, I have but one small issue!

The final night brought with it a pastor of a church in London, with a strong prophetic and healing ministry. The guy came on stage in a beige coloured suit, with open collared shirt and rather good tan, which, I'm slightly ashamed to say made me concerned due to the steroetype of US TV evangelist! Luckily, he redeemed himself with a strong Brummie accent! What he said was great, and I had no problems with the content, I just again, became concerned when slightly over enthusiastic he would randomly slip into an american accent! I couldn't help but think that this, coupled with the general look, this guy felt that he had to fit into a model that we so often cringe at! Now there is no doubt that God moved that evening, and people were healed and people came to know Jesus as their saviour, and was amazing and phenomenal, but my overriding memories unfotunately will be of this pastor who really needed to immerse himself in the opening words of Romans 12:2!

Please tell me if you have had good experiences of ministers with prophetic and healing ministries, those who've been able to break away from this stereotype! I'd love to be reassured that it is possible!!

R x

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