Friday, February 02, 2007

All change!

Has it really been that long?! For those who check my blog when they're bored (I cannot think of another earthly reason for reading it otherwise!) I apologise for a month of nothing new! it is...all new!

So, my research has kinda shifted direction a little. I decided that there was already plenty of people who had looked into the purposes of music, and why it has been so important to worship. So...having had this debate a couple of times in the pub, and realising that it was a viable tangent to vere off on, i've decided to move to look at music in the emerging music necessary in worship?

So, i'd love any comments, observations or similar on this topic! Many emerging church contexts have abandoned the use, in particular, of congregational singing, the use of hymns or 'worship songs' is highly limited, as both the practice of singing and the use of this genre specific music is 'culturally irrelevant'. But, as history has shown, and Methodist hymnody has coined...'God's people have always been singing.' So are we missing out on something key by not singing in worship?

Have a think and let me know!

R x