But I have discovered something else this last week. I had 2 conversations, with 2 completely different people on 2 different days, but both prompted me to remember that I am, singer and performer, and a passionate one at that. A while back I feared, and I guess accepted that my music was likely to be put on the back burner as I pursued my ministry in other areas, but having had these conversations, I knew that I had to do something about the fact that I so sorely miss this part of who I am. Having thought on this, I had the dreaded realisation that no longer did I want to sing other people's songs, not that I don't love them or respect them, but rather that they are already sung, and it was a new song that I needed to sing.
So...with a great deal of nervous prayer, yet sure of the Spirit's motivation in me, I sat down to write. I have never had a great deal of confidence in my songwriting abilities - mainly as all previous attempts have been...well...crap! However, I think now there is something different, and although I recognise that I am no songsmith, and this is hardly out of the ordinary, this is mine, and...well...I'll let you be the judges!
1. Take me to Your heart, and let me see what is within
Show me what it is to live Your love
Walk me through the dreams You have for this world and the next
Let me see who we were made to be
Show me love, show me grace
That I might be Your prophet in this place
Take my hand, let me walk with You
Lead me, Father, use me, Lord
2. Take me to the place, where Your heart was sacrificed
Show me what it meant to give Your child
Walk me down the path He walked, the path of my salvation
Let me see perfection's life in me
3. Take me to the people that call out with life's despair
Show me what it is to call them friend
Walk me down their streets and give a humble heart, O Lord
Let me see Your Kingdom come through me
Help me offer Heaven's door
Let me offer Heaven's open door
Ruth Horton © 2007
R x